Monday 18 May 2015

P3. Shot Log Sheet

P3. Screenshot of Edit and Evaluation

Mist Effect
Here I have used a misty effect to give the feeling of Katie drifting off into a day dream. I did this by downloading it off YouTube and putting the clip partially over the clip of Katie looking out the window and the first animation clip, I then faded it in and the faded it out so you can see the mist over Katie's face.

To be more creative with the effects in the animation, we reversed this shot, making it more interesting (for the viewers especially) and to show experimentation with editing our shots. We did this by clicking on 'Clip' in the tool bar, then going on 'Speed/Duration' and ticking 'Reverse Speed'.

For this clip I slowed it down to show a build up to Katie shooting. As she kicks the ball it then speeds up to fit with the rest of the clips which have a faster pace. I did this by clicking on 'Clip' in the tool bar, then going on 'Speed/Duration' and then changing the speed percentage.

P3. Audio

P3. Rough Cut and Review

Peer Review:

  • The introduction is too long - shots could be cut down a lot to make more room to add extra animation
  • Ambient sound should be added for the beginning part where she is taking the exam and at the end - rustling of paper, a clock ticking and people talking quietly
  • Needs more animation to bulk up the video and make the majority of it animation, compared to currently how it's about two thirds animation to a third footage
  • There is a glitch at 30 seconds that needs to be fixed
  • The music is effective when it comes in during the animation and then fades out again as the animation finishes
  • A variety of effects could be added to the animation, for example some slow motion shots, reversed shots, sped up shots and so on

Looking at the review, we know that it's important to add more animation and to make the clips more creative by adding a variety of effects. This will make sure the animation won't get boring for the viewer as we will add at least an extra minute of animation for our final cut.